- I am a 72 year old
gatherer of stamps. I guess I have been doing just that for a good
part of my life. Now after
seeing your site I would like to try my hand at collecting. And
works of Art would be my thing.
I don't think, I have a work of Art in the whole bunch, but as I said
" I gathered them " so I will pay them the honor of looking
at them. Who knows what I might find. I am working the quiz; not easy
for me but fun . I am a PASIC member and glad of it. Wonderful page.
Regards, Duke. 1/12/01.
- I very much enjoyed perusing your
columns. The one I commented on was one of about fifteen. Terry R.
- J'ai visité votre site avec grand intérêt ce jour. Je vous félicite,
il est très agréable et très instructif. Seb. D. 1/26/01
- I have viewed your website today.
It is wonderful and in the same time amazing. No wonder that the
website and of course you have gotten so many awards. Sier.
- Congratulazioni per il vostro immenso
data base!! E' uno strumento veramente utilissimo. Ciao. Lamberto D. P.
- I have used
your site to teach how to capture small and detailed, colorful images.
I use it also in my class on Web navigation and the use of links.
Using such approach I keep my students "plugged" all the
time, and not bored by strictly medical subjects. Recently, I used the
images of Venus by Botticelli to discuss STD's (sexually transmitted
diseases = venereal - from Venus - diseases), and believe me, it was a
success! Next time I discuss depression and mood disorders I will use
the page on Denmark!! Keep up your great site in behalf of all stamp
collectors! Joao Carlos P. 2/18/01.
- Victor: Once again you have given us a thing of beauty. Thank you
for sharing this page (Fabergé) with us. Blair. On RCSD, 2/19/01.
- Victor has once again
done an admirable job of bringing art to the masses. Bob. On RCSD,
- E interesant ceea ce incercati sa
faceti. Filatelistii au nevoie de asemenea pagini. (It's interesting
what are you trying to do. The philatelists need such pages). Corina.
- Good work! I really
like this site! I found my old collecting of stamps this Christmas,
and that's it! It's all I'm thinking of this days :o) I'm very
interesting in art, so it's naturally that one of my favorite
collecting group is art on stamps. Christopher. 3/01/01.
- The site and the database are close
to be perfect! Thank you!!! Roman, 3/13/01.
- Hello Victor! I am impressed by the site. The
information is clear, concise and easy to follow. I just joined
the online Paintings and Arts on Stamps club. I have a small stamp
collection that my grandmother started me on as a child. I am a total amateur
but I love to see and learn more as often as possible. I
thank-you for your time and your great website. Sheryl O. 3/27/01.
- I am a lactation consultant in the USA. I collect stamps
that portray breastfeeding mothers and babies. Many of the old
masters used mothers and babies as their subject matter. I am
interested in stamps that show this subject. Karen. 4/1/01.
- Hi. Your site has definitely helped me in
my search for Hiroshige stamps. Jessica. / I
would like to use this site to collect stamps of arts. Hong-sik P.
- Terrific Home page :-) Wendy. / The stamps scans are perfect.
Wlodek. / Thanks for the excellent database. Claudiu O. 4/9-14/01.
- Hola Victor. Esta pagina es maravillosa,
gracias! Carlos Q. 5/1/01.
- I think your web site is wonderful and very useful for the
painting stamps collectors. I would like to be a member of your Club.
Jose Luis. 5/23/01.
- Congratulations! I think your web site is wonderful and very
useful for the painting stamps collectors. I would like to be a member
of your Club, and so I wrote these fields to join the PASIC. Jose
Luis. 5/23/01.
- Hello Victor! It's nice to having found
your web today. I'm sure it will give me more useful information to
collect Painting stamps. Yu W. 6/8/01.
- I think this site is one of the best that I've seen so far. Very
organized and comprehensive. Thanks to everyone who put in great
effort into this. Clarisse M. 6/12/01.
- He observado a traves de vuestra página lo
interesante que es la pintura en la filatelia, no solo por el hecho de
la pintura como arte sino de la filatelia como arte. Les doy calurosas
felicitaciones por su dedicación, esmero y entrega en la publicacion
de dicho Web. Eddy Francisco. 6/20/01.
- Most beautiful site to view great art on
stamps. Kudos to you Victor and your passion for stamps and art. Ellen
M. 7/7/01.
- Its the best site on philately I have come
across. Gireesh P.It appears to be an excellent effort, which my wife
(who is an artist) may also find useful. Paul K. 7/12/01.
- The website is fantastic and I am recommending it to a friend to
browse on it and I am sure she will be joining PASIC. I can't help but
marvel at what a fantastic job you have done and are doing with the
website. Ella B. 7/15/01.
- What a wonderful work it is. I enjoy this
Home Page very much. Tadashi M. Bin das erste mal hier, finde die Site
grandios! Wolfgang. 1/12/02.
- What a wonderful site you have created. I have just visited it
and am impressed about the quantity of art stamps you show. I collect
art stamps myself since a long time, and will use your site as a handy
reference. I have just joined your club and hope to have a great time
there. Annie R. A. 2/25/02.
- Excellent site for motivation and education
of history of art through philately. Krishnappa V. 2/28/02.
- Thank you for your dedication to this wonderful Hobby. I have
been a closet collector for 15 years. I have never dedicated that much
time to learn that basics, just knew I liked Art on stamps so I horded
all that I came across. I do a far amount of collage and have used many
of the images in my work. All that I have used have been used stamps.
Thank you again for your hard work! Janis Sweet H. 7/3/02.
- I like to be in your famous club of
pictures on stamps and I hope to make many friend in exchanging about
our distinguished theme. Good luck and many thanks. Lucian R. 3/8/02
COLECCION. GRACIAS. Javiez M. 3/10/02
- Am gasit in sfarsit un site necomercial
prin care sper sa-mi fac noi prieteni!!! (I have finally found a
non-commercial site through which I hope to make new friens) Constantin
M. 3/27/02
- Good website, an educational one. I enjoyed it very much. Steven
K. 3/29/02
- I am very very pleased with this site since
I collect art related stamps and wish you lot of new issues and continue
you excellent work. Ravindren. 4/8/02
- Exciting-informative-Helpful in upgrading my collection on ROSES
having a chapter "Rose in Great Master's Paintings" Dr. Satyenda K.A.
- Excellent job done and very good resource
guide for the artists, research scholars and students in pursuing their
carrier in the visual art field. Venkatesh K. 5/24/02
- This is a fantastic site, I can't wait to go through the
database and begin to put my art collection in some semblance of order.
It's a thrill to see that someone (s) have taken so much time and effort
to put this together. Malgorzata W. 6/222/02
- Félicitations pour l'élaboration de ce site
et de permettre de partager avec vous l'amour de la peinture à travers
la philathélie.teterel. 11/12/02
- This is my first visit to the site and I found it to be an
excellent site. If only other topics had such a comprehensive site. John
E. 11/16/02
- Thank you for an excellent site. You have
enabled me to add to my list of "Raphael" stamps, and other paintings
with a historical theme. 01/07/03. George F.
Thanks a lot to all
of you for your kind words! Please continue to send me your opinions and suggestions.
You are kindly invited to click here in order to send me a message
Yours truly Web Publisher
and Stamp Master,
Victor Manta, at Belle Orpondia, in Switzerland.
1997 - 1999
1/12/01. Revised:
Copyright © 2001 - 2003 by Victor
Manta, Switzerland.
All rights reserved worldwide. |
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