They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, 1759. |
Original message. This was an outstanding American with an outstanding voice. World-famous by all accounts, but despised by his own government. Have they righted this terrible wrong and shown this great man on a stamp in the US? I would like to create a "Paul Robeson" collection for my children to learn about him. I'm also interested in stamps from other nations honouring him. He was unable to sing in Canada because the US Government confiscated his Passport and threatened him with severe judicial penalties if he left the States. Peter . My posting. I think that not only East Germany, but also Soviet Union commemorated him on a stamp. He had an outstanding voice, for sure. He was famous there in the late 50th and I can well remember (I was there then too) how the Soviet propaganda machine presented him as a fighter for the freedom, for the American workers, for the communism and against the greedy American capitalists (= imperialists). And that at a time when the Soviet Union, under Generalissimus Stalin, was the most oppressive and imperialist country in the world! By supporting this kind of policy, P.R. has made more difficult the fight of all real defenders of liberty and individual rights. Now concerning the
collecting of P.R. stamps, it is of course up to your child and up to you. My daughter and
I wouldn't. My posting. Imagine the following Souvenir Shit: Format 5" x 4". On the left Mr. President, his First Lady and The Dog. In the middle the US and China banners and the place Tien An Men. On the right Mr. President of China and his Mr. Minister of Interior. Printed on gold foil, price: 5 c. In small print below: sponsored by the governments. Two known errors: 1. Dog missing 2. Chineese President inverted. Original message. I'm interested 'bout Russian (soviet) Stamp collection featuring "Lenin" . Is there an URL providing details 'bout the series released in 1969-'70-'71 period concerning Lenin's activities . My posting. Apparently, no such pages on the Web! An old joke tells about Yitzhak, who, shipwrecked on an uninhabited island, built two synagogues. He built one of them for himself and his prayers to God and the other one to never put his feet inside of it. Like him, I should create a site consecrated to Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and Ceausescu on stamps, to never visit it afterwards. Original message. Since there are some people here who think that some of us aren't into philately / stamp collecting - but would rather get on-line and cause nothing but trouble, so let's see what a philatelist / stamp collector truly is and then move on with our collecting interests. My posting. A
few quick thoughts to what and how is a philatelist. Back from my vacation, I
read in the "Canada's Stamps DETAILS", Vol. VII No 5, 1998: |
Original message.
I recently obtained a copy of a Russian
stamp (Scott #918) which clearly shows a Soviet soldier bayoneting a German soldier.
Several Russian stamps of this period show combat scenes, but none is quite so openly
violent as this one. The thought naturally crossed my mind that one does not often see
violence on postage stamps despite the prevalence of violence in our world. It's ok for
the evening news, but not for stamps, which normally portray our world the way we would
like it to be rather than the way it is. Anyway, is anyone aware of other stamps which
portray violence. It could be an interesting, if somewhat grim, topical area to pursue.
My posting. I found your message very interesting. After Merriam-Webster, violence is 1: exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse 2 : injury by or as if by infringement or profanation 3 : intense or furious often destructive action of force. Violence is often expressed on stamps, but usually in a hidden way, not so explicitly as in your example. I assert that this fact doesn't make the"hidden violence" stamps less violent. I'll try to illustrate it by a few examples, taken from the stamps of only one country - Rumania (not because the stamps of this country are more violent then others, but because I know them and their history better). - 1940. Iron Guard Fund. Stamps with surtax (till 400%). Official help of the state (at most offices only these stamps were offered = use of force) for the fascist (known as a extremely violent) movement. - 1941. Occupation of Cernauti. Stamps with surtax (till 2000%). The occupation of Cernauti by the Rumanian troops started with a three days plunder of Jewish population and later by the establishment of a ghetto. - 1948. Census of 1948. The first stamp of the new Popular Romanian Republic. Census forms obliged to declare everything (money , properties, ...), information used for later expropriations. - 1952. Currency revalued. Over 80 quickly overprinted stamps. By taken from the population the last reserves it had, it set up the full dependency of people from the state and its jobs. - 1956. Collective Farming. Two stamps, one with the inscription 1951-1956 (the error), the second with 1949-1956. A meaningful blank of the postal authorities! It stayed for the expropriation of farmers (land, beast) and the obligation to work in collectives. Now Bob, please let me know what do you think, are the stamps I quoted less violent? Another question please, against whom do you think is it easier to fight, against the visible enemy on the front or against the less visible enemy I refer to earlier? Anyway, I think that my examples could represent an interesting extension of the topic you proposed. BTW, I like the stamps that "portray our world the way we would like it", or, in my words, they portray our world the way it should be [free of violence]. Original message. i have some Deutsches Reich Hitler 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, ... RM, 2 RM + 1x 20 unused tell me what you want to pay! greetings Gerd My posting. DM 1.00 if you send me their ashes. You asked, I answered! Subject: Non Value Indicator. Stamps with a figure, letter or symbol in place of a value expressed in a currency are in use by several postal administrations worldwide. My posting. I like this term: Non Value Indicator! You know the old saying: a business without sign is no sign of business. The new one would be: a stamp without value is no sign of stamp (and no sign of value either ;-) See my page (click here) for some indications about these indicators. Subject: FS. This week's Hitler cover. This week's Hitler cover is also my first attempt at selling on Ebay. Please bid early and often!...Myron may even approve of this, since Adolf's face is obliterated! My posting. I think that everyone can
try to sell everything he wants, but not on RCSD. That 'D' stands for discuss, not for
Marketplace, isn't it? But because it was posted to Discuss, I will take advantage of it
and shortly comment the last sentence. I am sure that for Mr. L., as for myself, the fact
that Hitler's face is obliterated don't make of him a better Hitler. We know that Hitler
lost his face a long time ago, and forever. Who's next? |